Monday, July 24, 2023

Off to Paris for $240 Roundtrip


You read that right!!!!!  I am not lying nor am I kidding.  I just scored tickets for me, my daughter, my niece and my mom.....all for $240 round trip. 

Now I've told you all on a previous post about one of the ways that I'm able to get great flights. This is by using Scotts cheap flights aka GOING. I've even given you guys my
referral code .  Have you signed up yet? 👀 Well after this deal, you may be kicking yourself and saying, let me go ahead and sign up. I'm going to drop the link again for my referral. ( It is only $50 a year, but as you can see, it is well worth the price.

So today I was feeling a little sad. I will admit I was feeling a little down, so I decided to check my email. The first email that I saw was an email from GOING aka Scott. The email said that they have a mistake fair to Paris for $240. I immediately started calling people that I knew had Paris on their bucket list. I asked my daughter if she wanted to go. She was like what...of course I do. Say Less! I called my mom and asked if she wanted to go. My mom was like well of course.  And then I asked my niece because previously my niece requested that I let her know wherever I was going ... so she could go to. 
So, when my sister called my niece to see if she wanted to go, she couldn't get it out her mouth before my niece was like heck yeah! The flight is through American Airlines, so I am holding my breath and praying for a great experience. But overall I'm excited. 

My email from GOING

So essentially, I was able to book four tickets, round trip, from the United States to Paris for $240. 😁

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